The Multitasking Mom

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How to Get More Energy in 5 Minutes

There is a lot of information out there on how to start your day with more energy or how to create a lifestyle that provides you with more energy. But that doesn’t help you in the moment when you are dragging.

Of course getting a good night’s sleep would help your energy level. No one is denying that. But we’re here now in the mid afternoon slump and wee need energy to get through the rest of the day. Telling me what I should have done last night is not helpful.

Besides, even if we are one of those humans who gets 7-8 hours of sleep each night, tries to eat healthy and exercises regularly, sometimes things happen. Like your husband shows your 4 year old the Night of the Living Dead and she has nightmares for the next few days. Or your 2 year old pees through her pamper, pjs, and mattress and then wakes up wet and cranky at 2am. Or maybe you and your husband are having a great conversation about life and society and you are so engrossed that you end up staying up way past your usual bedtime.

Sometimes things happen that disrupt your ability to get good rest. Or maybe stress is just eating away at your energy levels. Here are some healthy things you can do to get energy in the moment.

  1. Drink Water

    You’d be surprised how much energy plain water can give you. Dehydration can leave you feeling drained and fatigued. You don't necessarily have to follow the "eight glasses a day" rule, but you do want to drink enough water to keep your body well hydrated.

    You can tell you're well hydrated when you don't feel thirsty and your pee is light-colored or clear. When you feel a bit droopy, head on over to the fridge or water cooler for a refill. The walk there will also help you wake up.

  2. Do Jumping Jacks

    Just getting your body moving is a great way to bring your energy up. It might sound counter intuitive like “Don’t you need energy to exercise?” But actually, doing a bunch of jumping jacks will work your hip flexors, get your body moving, and get your blood flowing which will bring energy out to your whole body.

    I have been known to just get up and do a bunch of jumping jacks in my office (usually when no one else is around). Or do a little dance while I wait by the copier. Anything to get my body moving and my heart pumping.

  3. Do a Downward Dog

    Some studies have found that yoga, which uses various postures and deep breathing for exercise and meditation, can be a great way to fight fatigue.

    Upward Dog is especially good because it gets the blood flowing and your body stretching. Some others include cobra pose, locust pose, camel pose, and easy pose with an arch.

  4. Take a Walk Outside

    A quick walk outside can have a massive impact on your energy level, weather permitting of course. First off, you are getting some exercise for your body by walking. Plus the change in scenery can be great for your mindset and energy level.

    Going outside can enhance mood, memory, and the ability to absorb new information. It may even improve your self esteem.

    You can take a quick walk around the block on your lunch break or just take an outside break in the afternoon. If smokers can take a smoke break, you can take a walk break.

  5. Grab Some Cinnamon or Peppermint

    Some people say that just a whiff of cinnamon can reduce fatigue and make them feel more alert. In fact, this is why a lot of people add it to their coffee. No cinnamon handy? Grab a mint from your bag. Peppermint's sweet aroma is another fatigue fighter for some people.

    I love to just carry some essential oils to sniff or roll on when I need a pick me up. Another scent that works really well is citrus. Sniffing some lemon or sweet orange essential oils can be a real energy boost.

  6. Turn on Your Favorite Tunes

    Singing gives you a kind of emotional high and at the same time it reduces the levels of stress hormones in your body. So grab a hairbrush, put on your favorite song, and sing away.

    If you're at work and don't want to face your co-workers' puzzled stares, you might want to save your vocal stylings for the car. Or you can at least put on some headphones and listen to your favorite tunes for a mood and energy boost.

  7. Have Nuts

    Eat a handful of almonds or peanuts, which are high in magnesium and folate (folic acid). These nutrients are essential for energy and cell production. A lack of these nutrients in your system can leave you feeling weary.

    Some studies suggest that 75% of Americans do not meet their dietary requirements for magnesium, others says that 50% are magnesium deficient. Either way, boosting this nutrient is probably a good idea. You can also find magnesium in pumpkin seeds and cashews if you prefer those as snacks.

These 7 things can give you a quick boost when you are dragging during the day. They don’t take a ton of time but can turn your brain back on, boost your mood, and can help you be more productive.

Do you have a hack to get your energy up when you are dragging? Let me know in the comments. Sharing is caring!!



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