The Method Behind My Healthiest Pregnancy
Due to my success with the 131 Method, I have decided to become an ambassador for the program. This means that if you sign up through my link, the blog receives a small payment to help defray the cost of managing the blog. This is at no additional cost to you.
I have officially had 3 pregnancies and 3 beautiful babies. Every pregnancy was different between weight gain amounts, cravings, morning sickness, swelling, etc.
Going into my 3rd pregnancy, I knew that staying in shape would be harder this time. With every successive pregnancy, it’s harder to get the muscles and skin back in position. Plus, as you get older, getting back in shape doesn’t get any easier.
I decided to try something different this time around.

I have been a big fan of Chalene Johnson for a while. I listen to her podcasts, subscribe to her emails, and am a fan of her workouts.
She has been talking for a while about her vast research into gut health and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. She created the 131 program which gives you the information and resources to develop a diet that works for you.
Everyone has different dietary requirements. Some people are allergic to nuts, others have gluten sensitivity others lactose intolerance. It makes sense that a diet that works for one person won’t necessarily work for another. Healthy diets are not one size fits all.
With the 131 method, Chalene breaks down how the body functions and digests foods. She also talks about how different foods affect the body. The program gives you recommendations on how to change your diet to be your healthiest self, but everything is up to you.
Now of course, I’m not advocating dieting while you are pregnant. This is about having a healthy diet not being on a diet. It’s about eating to feel your best most energized self.
So I decided to try it out. Being pregnant, I had to modify things. I couldn’t do any of the suggested fasts of course. I also had to modify what I was eating to make sure I maintained healthy levels of carbs and protein for a pregnancy.
Even with that, I had my healthiest pregnancy yet. I gained the least weight, I had the most energy, and best of all I never felt like I was on a diet. Because I wasn’t.
If I wanted to have some cake, I could. If I decided to switch up a high carb day with a high fat day I could. If I wanted to eat more meat, I could.
The program provides you with the information, but what you decide to eat is up to you.
In addition, to the information about food and your body, there are also tons of recipes and articles, and a forum to talk with other program participants.
During these first few weeks postpartum, I have decided to take a little break from the 131 cause newborn life is intense. We've been adjusting to the new sleep schedule and feedings, etc. But on Sunday the 17th I plan on starting back up with the 131 Method.
If you have been trying to lose weight, or get healthier, or have more energy, and you've tried various diets without success, then you should definitely check out the 131 Method.
We are all unique so it makes sense that one diet will not work for everybody. If you want to take your health into your own hands, learn what kind of diet makes you feel your best, and support your immune system with food, you need to check this out!
I have had such success with this program even with major modifications due to being pregnant. I know Chalene can help you learn how to live your best life. Plus, you get access to a team of nutritionists, dietitians and other health care professionals to answer any questions you may have.
For more info, head on over to 131 Method and see how 131 can help you.
Of course, you can always ask me questions about my experience as well! I would love to help you decide if the is the right program for you.