The Multitasking Mom

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Why My Post Is a Little Late


Today is Monday. The day I usually write my post for Tuesday I.e. when you’re probably reading this.  

I intended to write a post about time management to get your stuff done with the kids at home during summer. However that post is going to have to wait.

Today I accidentally stabbed myself in the hand while making lunch. It bled for a while but eventually stopped. It’s still sore and swollen, but all fingers are functioning correctly. 

This however is not the cause of the delayed post. 

Following my minor accident, my husband had a major one. That guy is always trying to one up me.  

My husband was heading to rehearsal for a show he is in driving in the left lane of the highway. The front driver side tire went onto the gravel so he turned the wheel to get back in the lane. This is a super curvy section of highway. When he tried to adjust, the back of the car started to fishtail causing him to lose control of the vehicle. The vehicle went off the road, flipped several times before landing upside down.  

My husband was able to release himself from the seat belt and kick his way out of the car. 

My husband called me super upset and apologizing about the car. (He was using my company car because his car had died. We had put a deposit to lease a new car for him last week but we’re waiting for delivery.)  

I obviously was more concerned about him. He said there were people helping him and the police were there. He said there was some blood but he felt OK other than being shaken.  However, he was clearly in a state of shock so it was hard to tell the accuracy of his statement. 

I was home with the 3 kids and no vehicle. He called his brother to come meet him in the hospital and I called my job about the accident so they could contact the insurance. 

That’s where we are at right now. I’m waiting for an update once my brother in law gets there. Just here hanging out with the kids and trying to stay positive. 

I told Tyler, my 5 year old, that daddy was in an accident and that he was going to the hospital so the doctor can make sure he is OK. I didn't tell him the extent of course, but I told him I spoke to daddy and that Uncle Tom is going to see daddy and let us know how daddy is. 

Trying to not get too emotional so the kids don't get upset. I can't help but have This Is Us flash into my head when Mandy Moore is being strong for the kids. 

2:45 pm

I got a call from my brother in law who is now at the hospital. He held the phone for Steve who again was apologizing about the car. He was still in shock and he wasn’t sure where the car was taken. 

No one else was injured since he was the only person in the car and no other vehicle was involved.  

He said that the doctors had run some tests and they were waiting on the results. He said he was sore but he had all his parts intact. Not as reassuring as one might think.  

My husband’s sister and her boyfriend were at the hospital as well. We are slowly informing the rest of the family.  

I hate feeling so helpless and stranded over here. I know I’m doing my part staying with the kiddos keeping them calm and feeling normal. Also it’s not like a have a functioning form of transportation to get there at the moment, but I still wish I was there.  

Now, waiting on a call with the doctors results. 

4:10 pm

Got a text from my sister in law: They did a cat scan on his face and that’s all good just a lot of swelling. They are going to do an MRI on his back soon just to make sure everything is good there. He already had a fusion of 2 vertebrae which we knew about but they saw something they wanted to check out before they let him get up and walk around. 

Now waiting for more... 

9:17 pm

My mom came up to watch the kids and my brother in law picked me up and brought me to the hospital. The relief to finally see my husband in person, even though he is swollen and cut up, is overwhelming. 

The whole right side of his face is swollen and his eye is almost shut. My brother in law told me that it already a lot better than when he first got there. 

I'm spending the night in the hospital with my husband. They are going to observe him and do the MRI when they can. Luckily I had already started pumping breast milk in preparation for my return to work in 3 weeks so there are bottles at home for Belle.    

My mom, sister in law, and her boyfriend are watching the kids tonight. It’s my first time away from Belle for more than two hours. It breaks my heart that she’s spending the night without her mama. 

I know she'll never remember this when she gets older, but I jut get this feeling that its too soon to spend the night away. 

 I also feel bad forcing other people into newborn life, but luckily Belle is generally a good sleeper. Plus, there are 3 of them there to split up the roles. 

Now to try to get comfortable in this hospital chair. 

Related Post: When Perfect Isn’t Perfect

Tuesday July 10, 12:00 am

They brought my husband down for the MRI at 10:30. He came back at midnight however he was unable to get the MRI completed. He felt claustrophobic in the machine and therefore they could not complete the test. They said they would try again in the morning. 

6:30 am

A gentleman came and spoke with my husband regarding the MRI. My husband explained that he can't handle tight spaces and the man said they could sedate him to try to get the MRI done.  He said that he would speak to the doctors and get back to us. 

9:20 am

We are still waiting on the MRI but my sister in law and her boyfriend arrived so my sister in law could stay with my husband and I could get back to the kids.  

Once I got home I contacted the police to obtain the location of the car. I also contacted the insurance and my husband’s job.  

My husband FaceTimed with the kids to let them know he was OK. I think it was a relief for Tyler to actually be able to see him. Although his face is still swollen, it was a lot better than the day before and you can actually see his right eye. 

My mom stayed for a while after I arrived and then headed home at around 2:30 cause she had to help my brother. She said she would be back in the morning. 

The MRI still hasn’t been completed. 

7:24 pm

After texting with my husband throughout the day, I was able to speak with him on the phone. He said that he was still on the list for the MRI but a trauma had come in which had delayed things.  He hopes the they get it done tonight. 

He is feeling antsy and just wants to come home. My sister in law and her boyfriend are angels who have stayed with him all day. We are blessed to have a great support system. 

If you’ve made it this far, thanks so much for your concern for my family. I believe that any damage to my husband’s spine is minor and I hope that the MRI will confirm that soon. I will definitely update you in my next post. In the meantime, I am exhausted from only getting a few hours sleep last night and then dealing with all this and taking care of the kids all day. 

So I am going to get back to the kids and hopefully relax a bit. 



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