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So Baby Belle finally made her grand entrance on Sunday. Although she was 3 days late, just like her brother was, once she decided to come, there was no stopping her.
Just before midnight on Saturday night I awoke to find that my water had broken. I called the doctor on call to let them know and since contractions had started, she said to come right in.
The thing was we were up at the new house, so we had to wake the kiddos and drive them 50 minutes to my mom’s. We got there about 1 am.
My brother in law also met us there so he could take the dogs. We then traveled 25 minutes to the hospital getting there a little after 1:30.
Since I was pre-registered, check in was quick. They got us in a room and things escalated quickly.
At 3:37 am Belle was born Au naturale with no epidural. They did assist with a small amount of suction since her heart rate had dropped a bit. She was not a fan of how quickly things progressed. But other than that everything went smoothly.
At birth, Belle weighed in at 7 lbs and 2 oz and measured 20.5 inches long. It looks like she is going to be long and thin like her bro, instead of the petite princess that is Hailey.
She is another blondie bean to add to the blonde crew. She has blue eyes at the moment, but darker than Hailey’s were. It is to be determined if she’ll keep the blue like Hailey did.
Yesterday was Belle’s first pediatrician appointment and everything went well. Her weight already bottomed out and she’s already gaining back to her birth weight.
I am also happy to report that we have not received any dramatic phone calls about thyroid issues so it looks like she has avoided that craziness.
In addition, breastfeeding is going well. We’re getting the hang of the latch and Belle seems to be eating well.
As far as My health is concerned, things are healing up. The stitches are itchy and my bottom is sore, but all in all it’s not too bad. I am already having urges to work out, but of course I’m holding back.
There are 3 things however that I try to do throughout the day to tone up a bit. They are pelvic tilts, diaphragm breathing, and kegels.
These are not only great for strengthening some of the muscles that were strained during pregnancy, but they are also helpful for lower back pain and de-stressing.
Now that Belle is born, we are officially moving into the new house. While this is fun and exciting, it’s also exhausting for my postpartum self.
My husband has been amazing with doing most of the work while I’ve been pregnant and now that I’m postpartum. I’m going to have to treat him extra special for Fathers Day and thank him. He is the best!
So that’s my birth story for baby #3. From water breaking to birth in under 4 hours! Here are some photos of the new arrival.
Baby Belle at 5 days old!
If you are interested in the Big Brother and Big Sister Scrubs that we got for the kiddos. I found them on Amazon. Just click above to check them out!
We will be back to our regularly scheduled programming shortly. In the meantime, check out my Instagram for more baby pictures and soon some family pics as a family of 5!