
The Perfect Easter Basket for Your Baby

The Perfect Easter Basket for Your Baby

With Easter just a few weeks away, putting together an Easter basket for the kids is at the forefront of our minds.  For older kids, you can just walk down the aisle of your local pharmacy or discount store, swipe your arm along the shelf, and you have everything you need for your Easter basket.  Babies can be a bit harder since they can't eat the candies and many of the toys may not be appropriate for putting in their mouth.  The following are my picks for Easter baskets for babies. Best of all, everything is available on Amazon, so no leaving the house!!

Gift Guide for the Toddler Whose Parents were Born in the 80's

Gift Guide for the Toddler Whose Parents were Born in the 80's

Are you an 80's baby? Did you grow up on Sesame Street before Bert and Ernie were claymation and Elmo took over the world? Did you spend Saturday mornings in your jammies with a bowl of cereal watching Saturday morning cartoons? Remember Pee Wee and Penny?  The Pix 11 movies? TGIF? Care Bears, Fraggles, Rainbow Brite, Thunder Cats? If you can reminisce about any or all of this, you are an 80's baby.  This list is for your kids. So that they can grow up on the classics. Added bonus, you get to relive some of your youth as well!

Personalized Holiday Cards and Invitations 

Personalized Holiday Cards and Invitations 

So the time to send out holiday cards is quickly approaching. Then of course there are holiday party invitations to send out. On top of that, we have Hailey's baptism in a few weeks. So we have been all  about cards recently. I decided to head on over to Tiny Prints to create personalized cards for Hailey's baptism and for Christmas.