Postpartum 20 Week Update — The Multitasking Mom

Postpartum 20 Week Update

So here we are at 20 weeks postpartum.  I have been unpregnant for half as long as I was pregnant.  Well almost.  I mean she was 6 days late.  A lot has changed in the past 20 weeks.  Let me update you.


Hailey has grown a lot in the past 20 weeks. It's so funny how when you look back at older pictures it looks like a totally different baby and yet there was never a moment that she didn't look like my little girl. Let me show you.

Hails at one month old

Hails at one month old

20 week update

20 week update

As far as her hypothyroidism, she had been stable. Her hormone levels are in line with her age group and she's growing and putting on weight at a steady pace. She is still constantly talking. And now she is rolling both ways. She just started infant cereal about 2 weeks ago and she is getting good at pushing the food back instead of spitting it out. She's a happy girl and is showing no signs of deficiency or delays. She is currently losing her hair and it's coming back in lighter. Also, it looks like she is keeping her blue eyes!

She is sleeping well, only waking up once during the night to feed. Once she eats, she generally goes right back to sleep. Hailey loves being upright and is super nosy. She pays attention to everything happening around her.


As for me, I am doing well post partum.  I am working out 5-6 times a week consistently. Want to know how I stay motivated? Here are a few tricks I use:

1. Keep Your Eyes on the Prize: Whenever I wake up feeling less than motivated I remind myself of how fit I was pre-pregnancy. How easy I could lift my toddler. The stamina I had in dance rehearsal. How I was able to keep up with preschoolers. I loved having the energy and ability to be active and play. I want to feel just as comfortable keeping up with the kiddos again.

2. Use Music: The best thing you can do for your exercise habit is to create an awesome playlist that gets you pumped up. Put it on as you get ready for your workout and you will be ready to work out by the time you're done. Music has the ability to influence our state of mind so put on music that makes you feel energized and powerful.

3. Give Yourself an Out: This tip I got from Chalene Johnson and it really works. When you don't feel like working out, tell yourself that you just have to do 5 minutes. Once you get into your workout you are more likely to continue on to a full workout. If not, well 5 minutes is still better than no workout.

4. Have a Dance Party: Want a cardio workout but you don't want to do a DVD or go for a run? Have a dance party in your living room. Put on some upbeat songs and just keep moving. This is my favorite workout when I work out later in the day. My son joins in and Hailey kicks in her bouncer.

I am officially down to about 129 lbs. I've been keeping it slow and steady as I don't want to hinder my milk supply.  I have every intention of making it to a full year of breastfeeding.  Here's a before and after of me!

20 week update

20 week update

20 week update

20 week update

I really don't have that far to go to get back to my pre-pregnant weight. The thing to keep in mind though is that weight and size are not the same thing. Although you might get back your pre-pregnancy weight that doesn't mean it will be in the same places. The goal of fitting into particular clothes may only serve to frustrate you. For instance my hips are wider than they were pre-pregnancy so pants don't fit the exact same way.  It's not good or bad, just different. Instead my goal is being healthy, fit, energized and maintain stamina. If I eventually get my six pack back that will be gravy!! Would you find value if I discussed my postpartum diet as well? If so, let me know in the comments and I will write a post discussing that!

